My Femdom Lifestyle

I have finally realized my long time dream of becoming a full time professional and lifestyle dominatrix this year. I hope to entertain and ignite excitement between your loins and neurons with my many curiosities about kink and ideas about matriarcy, flr, and female supremacy

If you happen to have stumbled upon this blog by accident, I’m sorry….It’s too late for you. You are destined to fall deep down the rabbit hole of perversion, inevitably surrendering to the Divine Feminine. Cast aside what you believe you know about fetish, kink, patriarchy, and male entitlement. Your mind is already being shaped unknowingly.

Day by day, you will find yourself returning to this blog, craving one more secret, one more story, one more fantasy. If you are not a follower of the Divine Order of Lilith, you will be soon. She does not surrender and you are in Her clutches.


Madam Griselda